Here's the complete specification list for 'MidJourney V5 Camera Lenses and Lens Filters'!

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  Camera Lenses 

15mm: An ultra-wide angle lens that captures a wide field of view, great for landscape or architectural photography.

 35mm: A standard lens with a natural field of view similar to human vision, perfect for street photography or general use. 

85mm: A medium telephoto lens with a narrow field of view that creates beautiful bokeh (background blur) and separates the subject from the background, ideal for portrait and low-light shooting. 

100mm: A medium telephoto lens that provides longer working distance for macro photography, perfect for capturing fine details of small objects. 

200mm: A long telephoto lens that offers a narrow field of view and magnifies distant objects, great for sports, wildlife, or subjects at a distance 

  Lens Filters 

 Color Gel: Modify color temperature or create specific color effects.

For example, "Blue color gel filter" is used to reduce the color temperature of warm light sources, while "Red color gel filter" is used to increase the color temperature of cool light sources.

 Diffusion Filter: Soften the image, lower contrast, and create dreamy or romantic effects. 
For example, "Soft focus filter" is used for portrait photography or "Diffusion filter" is used for natural landscapes.

 Polarization Filter or Polarizer Lens: Reduce glare, reflections, and enhance color saturation by controlling the direction of light waves.

 For example, "Circular polarizer filter" is used for landscape photography, while "Linear polarizer filter" is used to remove reflections from glass surfaces.

 Dichroic Filter: Separate light into different wavelengths to create color separation effects.

 For example, "Prism filter" is used to create rainbow effects, while "Star filter" is used to create sparkling light points. 

 Neutral Density Filter or ND Filter: Reduces the amount of light entering the lens without affecting color balance. 

 For example, capturing flowing water or creating a motion blur effect in bright daylight. 

 Infrared Filter or Infrared Cut-Off Filter: Blocks visible light and allows infrared light to pass through to produce surreal or eerie effects.

 For example, "Infrared filter" is used for landscape photography, while "Night vision filter" is used for security cameras. 

 Graduated Neutral Density Filter or GND Filter: Reduces exposure in specific areas of the image (usually the sky) to balance it with the other parts of the image.

 For example, balancing the exposure between a bright sky and a darker foreground in a landscape photo.

 Ultraviolet Filter or UV Filter: Blocks ultraviolet light and protects the lens from dust, scratches, and fingerprints. 

 For example, "UV filter" is used for outdoor photography to protect the lens, while "Haze filter" is used to reduce atmospheric haze effects in landscape photos."

  Astronomical Filters

Astronomical Filter: A general term used to enhance the colors of celestial objects such as stars or planets.

 Oxygen-III Filter: Used to capture blue-green emission nebulae in astrophotography. 

Hydrogen-Alpha Filter: Isolates the red emission line of hydrogen atoms emitted by nebulae and ionized hydrogen regions. 

Light Pollution Reduction Filter: Blocks specific wavelengths of light associated with artificial light pollution to produce clearer night sky images in light polluted areas.

 Broadband Nebula Filter: Improves contrast in emission nebulae by blocking unwanted light and enhancing the transmission of specific wavelengths of light associated with nebular emission.

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