Bing Unchained -Use new Bing in Chrome

Bing Unchained" is a Chrome browser extension that allows users to access "new Bing" directly in Chrome without switching to Edge. Of course, the prerequisite for using the plugin is to obtain permission to use "new Bing", and it cannot bypass the waitlist application process. The number of users has exceeded 30,000+, and the comment section is full of applause, indicating that it is simple, convenient, and very easy to use! However, there are also multiple comments indicating unstable service, and then everyone exchanges some magic spells.


If you're a fan of the new Bing search engine, you'll know that it's currently only available on the Edge browser. This can be frustrating for users who prefer to use other browsers, like Chrome. But fear not, as there is a solution! In this blog post, we'll introduce you to Bing Unchained - the ultimate solution for accessing new Bing on Chrome.

What is Bing Unchained?

Bing Unchained is a Chrome browser extension that enables users to access new Bing directly in Chrome, without the need to switch to Edge. It's important to note that in order to use the extension, you must have permission to use new Bing, and it does not bypass the waitlist application process.

How Does Bing Unchained Work?

Using Bing Unchained is easy. Once you've installed the extension, simply open a new tab and type your query into the search box. Bing Unchained will automatically redirect your search to new Bing, allowing you to enjoy all its features directly in Chrome.

User Feedback

Since its launch, Bing Unchained has garnered over 30,000 users and received positive feedback from many satisfied users. Users have praised the extension for its simplicity and convenience, with many commenting on how easy it is to use. However, some users have reported experiencing service instability issues, which may require some troubleshooting.


If you experience any issues with Bing Unchained, here are a few troubleshooting tips: Make sure you have permission to use new Bing. Try clearing your browser cache and cookies. Disable any conflicting extensions or add-ons. Check if there are any updates available for Bing Unchained or your browser.


In conclusion, if you're a fan of new Bing and prefer to use Chrome over Edge, Bing Unchained is the ultimate solution for you. With easy installation and seamless integration, you'll be able to enjoy all the features of new Bing directly on Chrome. So why wait? Start using Bing Unchained today and take your search game to the next level!

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